Publication / Article

Matching Teaching Strategies in Physics with Students’ Learning Style Preferences

December 01, 2021

This study is a classroom-based research, which examined the matching of the learning style preferences (visual, auditory, and kinesthetic) with teaching strategies in Physics that are appropriate for each learning style and their influence on the academic achievement of Grade 7 students at Palompon Institute of Technology, Palompon, Leyte, Philippines. The study started by determining the appropriate teaching strategies for each learning style and analyzing the students’ learning style preferences using a 30-item VAK Self-Assessment questionnaire for data collection. The study revealed almost half of the class had kinesthetic learning style (49%), while the rest had visual (26%) and auditory learning styles (25%). Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to analyze the data with the significance level set at p < 0.05. Results revealed a lack of significant difference among the variables. Although the said study was unable to provide evidence that matching learning styles with teaching strategies would benefit the students’ academic performance, results of the study reinforced an existing factual knowledge that there is no superior learning style and that students benefit from an instructor's multi-faceted class approach.