The Guidance Center shares in the realization of the PIT Vision-Mission by providing opportunities both for personal and professional growth. It is committed to facilitate the students’ well-balanced development through its various services and expertise made available to the clients in an appropriate atmosphere and in consonance with the individual’s quest in achieving a well-adjusted personality.
The Guidance Center is staffed with full time Guidance Counselors and a clerk. A group of specially trained students known as Peer Counselors assist the Counselors in the implementation of the Guidance Program. A student assistant assigned to the center is also tasked to perform routinary office work.
The Guidance Services include the following:
- Processing and administration of entrance test for high school and college students
- Counseling: Resolution of Problems/Concerns/Difficulties through individual or group Counseling.
- Career and Vocational Counseling
- Client Appraisal
- - Interviews
- - Psychological Test Interpretation
- Information Service
- Referrals to Specialists and Agencies
- Coordinating Services with Subject Teachers, Department Chairpersons and College Deans
When a student’s class behavior has been evaluated by the subject teachers to warrant disciplinary action, he/she will be referred to the Deans or Department Chairs for appropriate action. Otherwise, counseling these students by the Guidance Counselors is deemed necessary. The aim of counseling is esteem and, therefore, should not be regarded as disciplinary.
Counseling sessions are treated with utmost confidentiality. However, parents, teachers and school administrators may be granted partial access to these records through a formal request provided that this will not humiliate and jeopardize the well-being of the student.
Guidance Activities
- Career Orientation Seminar
- Stress Management Seminar
- Vocation Talk
- Job Preparation Symposium
- Team Building
- Sexuality & Sexual Behavior
- Peer Counselor’s Training
- Conflict Management
- Other Programs and Activities as requested by students
Scholarship Services
The Guidance Center takes charge in the processing of all Institute funded scholarships.
College & High School Entrance Tests
The entrance test for students in the different undergraduate programs is scheduled in the months of May to June. The results of the entrance test shall be applicable to the incoming school year.
Peer Counseling
Some students are reluctant and are not comfortable to talk about their problems to Guidance Counselors for various reasons. Thus, students who show peer helping potentials can participate in the peer counselors training and become peer counselors to be of help to other students.
Click HERE to view the services and procedures of the Guidance Center
For inquiries, you may contact Guidance Center at (053) 555-9841 or Email at
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