Knowledge, Awareness and Practices in Research Ethics Among Administrators, Faculty, and Students in PIT Graduate School
The study was conducted to assess the knowledge, awareness, and practices in research ethics among administrators, faculty, and students in the Graduate School of the Palompon Institute of Technology. Along with the three major dependent variables, research ethics training and extent of research involvement were examined and measured in terms of the number of completed, presented, and published researches. A cross-sectional survey design was used with 116 respondents, utilizing validated questionnaires prepared in google forms. Data were analyzed using modes, means, standard deviations, Pearson correlation, and one-way analysis of variance. Findings revealed that graduate students have extremely low research involvement. As to faculty and administrators, although some of them have conducted researches, however, results still indicated that 20% have not researched in the last five years. The overall result showed low research involvement between the two groups. It was also revealed that among the three groups of respondents, the administrator group was found knowledgeable and aware of the concepts and processes of research ethics, while the faculty and student groups showed slight knowledge and awareness. Further, it was also found that except for research ethics practices, significant correlations exist between knowledge, awareness of research ethics, and each of the following factors: academic degree, attendance to research ethics training, and each measure of the extent of research involvement. Finally, F-values indicated significant differences in the knowledge of research ethics between administrators and students; and likewise, between faculty and students. It was concluded that among the graduate students and faculty, there is a need to consider an intervention to make them more knowledgeable and aware of the various aspects of research ethics – an essential ingredient that researchers should have to make them more responsible researchers.